Aug 24, 2012

Guest Post - Canvas Wall Art

Happy Friday everyone!

Today we're mixing things up a bit with a post from a special guest blogger and friend of mine, Miss Natalie Platt. I was lucky enough to meet Natalie through our respective jobs, and since then I've discovered one of her amazing talents - abstract art. When she suggested the idea of a guest post about her painting, I jumped all over it. Hope you enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

Not enough paint. Too much. Scrape off. Scratched the canvas. Whoops. Too much black. Wrong color purple. How did I make that color? Stand back. Decide it's a loss. Drag it out the door to the dumpster. Think. Go to dumpster two hours later. Well, no one else liked it either. Brought back into the apartment. Hung it over my bed. Looks pretty good.

Wine. Malbec, actually. Plastic glass; can't risk knocking it over with my paint brush. Tunes. Switching between Lil Wayne and Ron Pope. This is actually for someone; I'm actually getting paid. Whoa. Messed up, big time. Too much brown. Should have left it yellow. Why did I add color....ooh! That's a cool combo. Add beading texture. Scrape and drag down. Zig-zags. Add gold. Scrape gold off. Looks too dark. Go to bed. Get out of bed. Hold it up against bedroom wall. This will do. Wake up. Hold up it up against bedroom wall. He's going to like this.

That was my actual thought process and what happened for the plum canvas art above my bed.  There's no name; heck, I left it sitting in an alley for two hours. Most of the time I don't like the initial painting (ok, I don't paint. I play with paint and cross my fingers) but come back to it hours later and decide that it's not terrible after all. I didn't pay hundreds of dollars for it, it's one of a kind, and multiple people asked where I "bought" it. Completely by accident did it turn out the way it did; completely perfect in an imperfect way.

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