Aug 20, 2012

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!

The past few days have marked several "firsts" for me, and today is no exception. Saturday began with a morning train to the suburbs for the Arlington Million, followed by my first time at a Bears game.

At the race track, the paranoid/overly cautious/penny-pincher in me pushed any thoughts of gambling from my mind, but I had a great time watching the races and learning about the betting process. As luck would have it, I found $40 on the ground as I left the park. Responsible decisions sometimes pay off, don't you think? We headed to Soldier Field after the races, thanks to a generous invite from my amazing friend Lizzy. Overall, a much more fun and eventful weekend than I can normally claim to have.

On top of everything, today marks my first official day as a Starcom Worldwide employee, now that I have moved offices within the company. As much as I'll miss the coworkers that have become my closest friends at Spark, I'm grateful for the opportunity to veer away from my current comfort zone and explore other facets of my industry. A new role means a new office, and this one comes with an added bonus - sharing an office with the lovely Lizzy Potter :)

The photos below are a few snapshots from the weekend (the races and the game) and a couple of my favorite memories from Spark.

Enjoy your week!

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