Oct 3, 2012

An Ode to the Nice Guys: The Rebuttal

Many of you were intrigued after reading Natalie's plea to "The Nice Guy" in yesterday's post. We're always interested in reader feedback, even if you disagree with us. Bonus points if you're willing to challenge us publicly. Lucky for us, Mr. Matt Lindner stepped up to the plate after making it known that he (respectfully) disagrees with each of Natalie's arguments. A self-titled Word Sandwich Artist for the RedEye and ESPN.com, we're happy to present An Ode to the Nice Guys: The Rebuttal from a Guy's POV.

The road to happily ever after is lined with casualties of the friend zone.You've met that guy. Chances are you've got a handful of them in your life already. He's the one you really, really like - just not in that way for whatever reason. He's the one meeting you for Happy Hour on a random Friday night because you've had a long week and really just want to kick back a beer or two with someone who'll actually listen to why you need a drink...without trying to get in your pants. He'll be the one running out to get tailgating supplies and making sure you don't make any bad decisions. He's also the one you'll go running to complaining about how you just can't seem to meet any nice guys in a city teeming with millions of them.

Why? There's any number of reasons. Maybe his personality doesn't have the same appeal as the mistakes you've been making in the past. Or maybe, just maybe you're worried that if he's not Happily Ever After, you're going to lose him for good and won't have anyone else there to replace him. Asking the good ones to wait around while you head out to Benchmark on a Friday night and chase after Mr. Double Popped Collar Who Can't Seem to Stop Staring At Your Chest isn't fair. Not to him, not to anyone. Everyone's got their "type" and men are no different. But asking a guy to carry a torch for you year after year doesn't do you any favors. After all, eventually his arm's gonna get sore.

There are plenty of men in the world who are successful at their jobs and won't hesitate to tell you you're pretty first thing in the morning. Those are the guys who will be content with a night on the couch consisting solely of a bottle of Three Buck Chuck, Jalapeno Cheese Dip and whatever random movie happens to be on HBO. Those guys don't play games because they don't have the time or desire to risk losing a diamond after digging through layers of coal.

Dating is, at the end of the day, more about the journey to get to the destination than the destination itself. But by opening your eyes and opening your mind, you might be able to take a couple short cuts to Happily Ever After.

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